Everybody loves MTV.
We may as well admit it. Stupid americans with ridiculous dramatics? Bring it on. Beyonces ass? Never looked better. Some random guys gravely offending chinese culture in a library? ...what?
Seeing these silly billys makes us all feel just a little bit better about ourselves.
But i still think its getting a bit out of hand. We should really find something better to do.
...But then when I've done that I'm tiered from doing all the better-to-do things, and then its just so relaxing to see Heidi scream at Spencer: you can't use your brain all the time can you.
When an option like MTV is put out there, there's no turning back. Our generation is doomed to watch Paris pick fights, and there's nothing we can do about it.
Its not a question of most of us being weak and pathetic and the few remaining being strong and coughcoughweird, its about...speaking through the medium of our times!
Our revolution shall be staged through MTV.
For our parents, it may have been the back of a van somewhere, covered in flowers and other plants, but for us it is through media: internet, print and even tv:
Collectively we are in control of what is shown on tv because it is answering to our demands. Which means we are actually controlling things by lying around! So don't be embarresed next time you watch Run's House reruns: by not changing the channel, you are in fact changing the world! Up and away! Yes we can!!
haha, no im just kidding. We're full of shit.
I totally agree!
SvarSlett(On the last sentence, that is)